Advanced Information Methodology (AIM) Component


Эта страница - компонент, используемый на данной вики. Он предназначен для включения в другие страницы.

рейтинг: 4.7


Поля компонента поддерживают русский и английский языки. Например поле lv (уровень допуска) так же может принимать значения от "первый" до "шестой". А поле cc (класс содержания) может принимать значения "БЕЗОПАСНЫЙ", "ЕВКЛИД", "КЕТЕР" или "ТАУМИЭЛЬ" (обязательно капсом). Поддерживаются некоторые внесистемные классы.

What is AIM:

AIM is a new header and information system, taking inspiration from other similar classification systems. It is provided in order to lay out data in a clear and concise way that is easy for both readers and authors to use.

If there are any issues, please contact me (Dr Moned) through IRC or wikidot pms.
Furthermore, thanks to Пользователь 'EstrellaYoshte' не существует for their initial help with this header and to Пользователь 'Croquembouche' не существует for guiding me through the recode, and subsequent addition of darkmode! I couldn't have done it without either of them.

How to use:

Using AIM is fairly simple; however, there are quite a few options to choose from. To import it, merely use the code below:

[[include :scp-wiki:component:advanced-information-methodology
|dir=Dr Director
|head=Dr Doctor

This code produces the following header:




"XXXX" merely refers to your SCP number, the second "XXXX" shown above can be replaced with something like "5241".

"lvl" refers to the clearance level an in-universe employee would need to access this document. The options are from "one" to "six" (not numbers, the actual words).

"cc" refers to the containment class. The currently implemented ones are as follows: "SAFE", "EUCLID", "KETER", "NEUTRALIZED", and "THAUMIEL" (These do need to be capitalized). Though more can be added if requested.

"dc" refers to the disruption class. This was introduced by ACS and are listed here in ascending order of disruption level: "DARK", "VLAM", "KENEQ", "EKHI", and "AMIDA" (These do need to be capitalized). For more information visit the ACS guide linked above.

"Site" is fairly self-explanatory, it is the site the SCP is contained at, or the site the researchers studying it are at. If this is not relevant. You can put "N/A", but it will mean the following box will be "N/A" too.

"dir" refers to the director of the site you used.

"head" refers to the research head of the SCP.

"MTF" refers to the MTF assigned to the SCP. As with the others, if there is no MTF needed, it can be left as "N/A".

AIM - Top section only:

If you only want the top section of AIM, you can instead use the code below:

[[include :scp-wiki:component:advanced-information-methodology blocks=-

This will look as so:


AIMexample top only.

AIM - Bottom section only:

If you only want the bottom section of AIM (alternatively, you can use this to place something such as an image between the top and bottom sections), you can instead use the code below:

[[include :scp-wiki:component:advanced-information-methodology blocks=!
|dir=Dr Director
|head=Dr Doctor

This will look as so:


AIMexample bottom only.

AIM - *NEW!* Darkmode:

If you wish to use AIM for dark mode themes such as extra black highlighter or basalt onyx you now can easily. Just add |darkmode=a at the end of your include block as shown below:

[[include :scp-wiki:component:advanced-information-methodology blocks=-

This will look as so:


AIMexample dark mode.





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Директор Зоны


Главный исследователь


Прикреплённая МОГ




КЛАСС: {$cc}

КЛАСС: {$dc}

Закреплен за Зоной


Директор Зоны


Главный исследователь


Прикреплённая МОГ


Структурные: визуальный_элемент
Филиал: en
версия страницы: 73, Последняя правка: 29 Ноя. 2024, 17:54 (59 дней назад)
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