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Министерство аномального
Город Гавана,
17 октября, 1963
Сержант-майор Вайклеф Леон
Сфера образования
ВППП 1-4
Многоуважаемый товарищ,
In correspondence with the conversations held with you during our meeting in Havana, I am enclosing the requested list with the main data of the tree obtained by our colleagues in the research area, and a foreign document which it is not necessary to specify in this letter.
This, together with the explanation of the structure that we gave you during our conversations, will surely help you in the realization of your work.
We will inform you of any future changes through our messenger as soon as possible. Anything you need let me know and I will throw you a line.
I take this opportunity, comrade Leon, to send you cordial greetings and express best wishes for success in your work and your personal well-being.
Полковник Лоренцо Гарсия Калдейро
Глава Администрации ВППП