049 x миньон x читатель (читатель миньон) (вините вараксуса мне оч жаль)

д-р миньон1 был в его офисе в зоне 120 когда его телефон зазвонил "привет эт доктор ривера ты мне оч оч нужен доктор миньон потомушто ты важный ученый мне нужна твоя помощь с 049 пушто нас с ним зашипперили"

док миньон конечно же на автомате покраснел потому что он никогда не думал что он встретить 049. "смешнявый доктор? смешянвое лечение?" - он подумал - "смешной чумной мужик?" в моей зоне?

"да доктор пришел ему нужна твоя помощь оч сильно доктор миньон. он сказал эт романтическая проблема и ты самый подходящий сотрудник когда дело касается романтики так что помоги пж" - говорил голос из телефона, вот-вот взволнованный

"конечно не волнуйс"

doctor minion was really happy because he always wanted to meet scp-049 (and also 999 (uwu we stan) and maybe 682 (omg scary 😱😱😱😱)) as he was a long time fan so he was naturally really excited to take an interview with him. as minion ran quickly as a minecraft minecart on redstone powered railes he arrived at 049's containment cell shortly after2
доктор миньон был реальо счастлив потому что он всегда мечтал встретить сцп-049 (а еще 999 (uwu мы стэним) и наверн 682 (омг страшно😱😱😱😱)) и он был долгое время его фаном так что естественно он был очень взволнован взять интервью с ним. миньон быстро побежал как

as doctor minion opened the doors into the room he saw the most beautiful thing he ever witnessed…

"scp-049…." he said, coming close. "what happened"


please let the pain stop

scp-409 was nothing like he was before… he had become a… a… no! a… furry!

"094… no…" minion said, looking at 0-49's newly gotten cat ears and an uwu tail. "escipe… what happened…"

the doctor looked at minion with a raw nya3 in his eyes, all happy like he never was before. he was playful like a cat, with a wild smile showing on his face.

"uwu mr minion, what is the problem," 049 said, jumping from the sofa like a feline he never was. "do you hate me, minion-kun?" the doctor said, tears going down his face…

"no…!" doctor minion said, starting to cry himself. "no 049 please dont cry i just dont recognise you…"

minion paused for a second…

"what happened big guy?4 I… I don't cregonise you mr doctor.,,,, please xplain2"

"rawr," the doctor said, crawling on da floor with a ball near to dr minion. "i have met a very special someone that showed me how to become hap[py again///

the doctor paused, taking a breath in and looking at the doctor tools in the corner of the room

"you see i was really unhappy with my job no one wanted to listen to me wanting to make the cure5… but now, i have become happy again. after i met minion-kun, that is…"

"m-minion kun?!" dr miniono said, not believing his earz "m… me…?"

the plague doctor flusghed, knowing he had made a msitake "no… not you, dr minion. the other minion!"

as the plague doctor said these words, a small blue dwatrf came to the room from the site caffeteria (he wasn't employeed here previously). uypon noticing him the doctor smilied


you will be forgotten after your death

"this is minion-kun!" he said, hugging the small man.

"but… isnh't this… no… it cxouldn't be…. you wouldn't enjoy anything league of legends, would you…" doctor minion said, recognising the small man as a minion from league of legends6

"but how…" minion (the doctor) said, trying to understand… "how did a nonexistent character from a videogame come to life…"

"fuck if i know"

"that's fair" the vrave foundation doctor said, tears of hapiness in his eyes " i am so happy uou found hapiness 0498"

"me too" said the other minion, hugging both of them hapilly, like they were always familee, despite none of them being real


you will die alone

Notice from Site-120 Director Council

During the morning hours 01/04/2021, Site-120 had undergone a CK-Class Reality Restructuring Scenario, resulting in a total of 20 minutes of total dimensional chaos within the vicinity of said building. The following is the only recorded evidence of such event, being an altered version of documentation previously concerning the Site's renovation plans. Due to numerous testimonies by Site-120 personnel, it's believed to have entirely taken place.

Further research into this event revealed that it was most likely caused by a dying dimension momentarily colliding with baseline Site-120 and it temporarily intercepting some of its traits as a result.

Further research into this reality as well as the identity of "Dr. Minion" is ongoing.

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Filename: ontotop
Author: Пользователь 'EstrellaYoshte' не существует, edited by Пользователь 'HarryBlank' не существует
License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Source Link: link

Name of the file: 049
Source: link
License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Author: YukkiAkemi
Notes: Edited by me

All other images were created by me, Ralliston.

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